Moïse Blanchard

Data Science Institute
Columbia University

Email: mb5414 (at) columbia (dot) edu
Linkedin profile, Google scholar


I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia Data Science Institute (DSI). I will be joining Georgia Tech ISyE as an assistant professor in Fall 2025.

My research interests lie at the intersection of learnability in machine learning and statistics, online algorithms and optimization in decision-making. I received my PhD at the Operations Research Center and Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at MIT, advised by Prof. Patrick Jaillet. Prior to my PhD, I graduated as the valedictorian of Ecole Polytechnique in 2019 with a M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics, and a B.S. degree in Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics. During my PhD and my undergraduate studies, I had the pleasure to work with Prof. Steve Hanneke, Prof. Aryeh Kontorovich, Prof. Alexandre Jacquillat, Prof. Jesús De Loera, Prof. Laurent Massoulié and Prof. Gabriel Peyré. Here is my Curriculum Vitae (CV).


Journal Publications
Conference Publications


Selected Talks

Awards and Honors